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 BUsiness etiquette 

It is said that the right etiquette can open doors for you that the best of education cannot.

The need to project a confident, poised and professional demeanour is no longer a luxury but an absolute necessity in today’s global business world. Undoubtedly, one has to be competent, however, a great part of professionalism is one's  appearence and  conduct with all stakeholders.

 Business Etiquette is not just about rules but creating an environment where others feel comfortable and respected , this is turn lays the foundation for the right business relationships.

The human mind takes less than 5 secs to form first impressions. This is only possible when one is completely aware of each etiquette; where, when, why and how to apply them.

Our Business Etiquette Training Programs

Our two decades of training and facilitating ‘Business Etiquette Programs’  have proved that training in ‘The Art and Skill of the right Etiquette’ gives you a ‘Competitive Edge’ .

On the contrary, the absence of these may have a catastrophic effect on one’s business and relationships with various stakeholders, both external and Internal

Etiquette do vary according to culture, country, gender, geography, however there are standard accepted  Professional Etiquette that are followed the world over and  have stood  the test of time.

Why Skilhance? What makes us different ? 

Our USP…

Our trainings are not class room based or one-way lectures. 

All our trainings are completely practical, demonstrative and experiential in nature.

# Each Etiquette is demonstrated by the trainer 

# Role Play to practice the Etiquette 

# Simulations 

# Live Demonstration of Dinning Etiquette (Practice Lunch/Dinner) 

 Program Customization 

No two training programs  are similar.  In today’s dynamic world, every Industry and Organization has its own challenges and current needs Each of our training is completely tailor-made and customized to meet the client’s objectives, needs and goals.

Course Outline

The Training Programs cover:

  1. Create the 1st Right Impression

  2. Greeting n Meeting Etiquette

  3. Business networking in social situations

  4. The Art of Small Talk

  5. Conversation Essentials

  6. Office Etiquette

  7. Meeting Etiquette

  8. Virtual Meeting Etiquette

  9. Telephone & Hand phone Etiquette

  10. Personal Grooming & Corporate Dressing

  11. Doors and elevators

  12. Commandments of Cubicle Etiquette

  13. Expressing and accepting appreciation

  14. The Art of Entertaining & being entertained

  15. Gifting

  16. Gender rules

  17. Body Language that Impacts

  18. Power Dressing

  19. Body Language in Digital Communication

  20. Magic words to win people over

  21. Maintaining Composure

  22. Cross Cultural Etiquette

  23. Dinning Etiquette

Training Methodology

# Quiz/ Questionnaires

# Trainer Led Discussion

# Demonstrations

# Role Plays

# Simulations

#  Videos

Training Program Duration

# Two Day Program (16 hrs)

# One Day Program (8Hrs)

# Half Day Program  (4 hrs)

Programs Undertaken

# Business Etiquette- The Competitive Edge

# Global Etiquette for Senior Management

# Cross Cultural Etiquette

# Power Dressing

# Workplace Professionalism

# Winning & Dinning Etiquette

# Be a Professional- for freshers

# Service Staff professionalism

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